Out of the Cave
In Development 2021-2022
When they immigrated to Britain, Emi was almost a teenager while Aya was still an infant. Years later, the sisters find themselves trapped together in lockdown, where they are forced to confront the differences in their childhoods, their values, and their memories of their estranged mother.
"Amaterasu" is a contemporary folktale inspired by the Shinto myth of the Japanese Sun Goddess and the God of Sea and Disease. In a vibrant collision of new writing, Taiko Drumming, and martial arts, Papergang Theatre bring you an epic new tale exploring identity, family, history, and the caves--internal and external--that we hide in to survive them.
Directed by Ailin Conant of Theatre Témoin and devised by Haruka Kuroda, Nao Masuda, Mei Mac, Nilly Cetin with contributing playwrights Stewart Melton and Nemo Martin.
Amaterasu is supported by Arts Council England, with mentoring support by New Earth Theatre and The Yard.