Our FAQ for the Papergang Theatre leadership take over
Q: If we are applying as individuals and we are then paired up: how will it be decided which of the projects proposed will be pursued?
A: This will be part of the matching process: how will the team work together?
Is there overlap in their interest? How do they communicate with each other.
Q: Can I suggest someone I would like to work with, if I know they might be interested.
A: Yes, though you could have a chat pre- application and team up before.
Project Proposal and Sustainability
Q: Is the £8K to be spend on a project?
A: No, the £8K is mainly for your time, though some can be used for match funding: we are looking for a project with a budget that can be made up of other funding sources.
Q: What is meant with Sustainability?
A: We are looking for Financial Sustainability in this instance. Think about a rough timeline and a budget for your ideas (with funds allocated for your time, post the £8K)
Q: Is this personal sustainability or company sustainability?
A: Preferably company sustainability, with the understanding that this implies that you have personal sustainability. We do not expect a forever-plan, but a 12-18 month plan/proposal would be useful.
Q: How do I talk about engaging with the BESEA community if I am not sure who / what projects are out there?
A: Have a think about how you would start your research into who you could engage with, or how you could reach out to the community to engage with Papergang? Talk about who you are inspired by.